White Gold Vacheron Constantin Métiers D’Art Savoirs Enluminés Replica Watch

Vacheron Constantin Métiers D'Art Savoirs Enluminés

The White Gold Vacheron Constantin Métiers D’Art Savoirs Enluminés Replica Watch was commissioned in the 12th century. This “book of beasts”, conveying a wide range of knowledge and beliefs, is filled with information that is key to understanding the evolution of humankind while exalting the power of metaphor. In the Middle Ages, this rhetorical procedure was very common and the symbolic role of the animal was credited with human feelings and character traits. It taught knowledge, but above all transmitted moral precepts. The animal did not exist for what it was, but rather to represent the wonders of Creation.

Vacheron Constantin Métiers D'Art Savoirs Enluminés

Its natural affinities with the world of watchmaking are particularly apparent in the new Métiers d’Art Savoirs Enluminés collection.The new Vacheron Constantin Métiers D’Art Replica Watch collection draws aesthetic inspiration from the Aberdeen Bestiary, an ancient Celtic manuscript recovered from the Middle Ages that is internationally recognised for the quality of its miniaturized illuminations. The art of miniaturisation, designed to emphatically celebrate a sizeable body of handwritten literature, is a complex technique requiring extensive collaboration between scribes, painters and gilders in the creation of veritable works of art.

Over and above the exceptional beauty of the Aberdeen Bestiary, Vacheron Constantin pays tribute to the transmission of knowledge that these manuscripts symbolize.

Animals were variously used to convey dreams, conquests or power, and regularly Vacheron Constantin Replica Watch  appeared in fables and satirical novels. The art of illustration was an integral part of this educational vocation.